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At US Trackworks, LLC, we take pride in our commitment to safety. Below are some of our more recent awards.











Major Projects
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1165 142nd Ave
Wayland, MI 49348
Phone: (616) 877-4284
Fax: (616) 877-4202


Commitment to Safety:

At US Trackworks, LLC we believe that to be a successful and reliable company, safety needs to be at the forefront of everything we do. We are proud to have achieved numerous awards for our focus on safety and its importance to our company and our customers.

  • Our employees are required to attend annual safety training classes to ensure that safety procedures are understood and applied on the job.
  • New employees are given an extensive safety orientation before being allowed to work at a job site.
  • We provide incentives to all employees who are accident free every year.
  • All employees are required to participate in a random alcohol and drug-testing program.
  • Random on the job safety audits are administered in order to ensure safety procedures are being followed. Any results needing improvement will be sent to the General Manager for review and corrective action
  • All accidents, regardless of the severity, are investigated and reported to the proper authority.
  • Safety briefings are conducted each day to inform and remind our crews about specific safety requirements.
  • All employees are provided with the appropriate safety equipment and PPE for their job.
  • Quarterly safety newsletters are sent out to each employee to remind them of the importance of on the job safety.
  • Our employees that work in our railcar repair division, on top of our existing safety guidelines, must adhere to the safety standards and practices outlined by the Association of American Railroads (AAR). These include (but are not limited to) the following: Brake Safety, Freight Car Safety, AAR Field Manual Guidelines, Appliance Standards, Lubrication Manual Guidelines, and the Miner Field Guide Standards.
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